Located along the historic Byward Market in Ottawa, the National Gallery of Canada features the world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of Canadian art such as indigenous art. Besides being a top attraction site in Ottawa, the National Gallery of Canada is one of the finest art museums in the country.

It boasts of spacious galleries, interior gardens, and the building which is an award-winning architecture that opens up to amazing views of the Canadian parliament building and Ottawa River. During their visits, guests can enjoy special exhibitions and engage in activities for all ages. Guided and audio tours are available in numerous languages.

Art Gallery of Ontario

The Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) is a renowned art museum in North America that provides an exceptional art experience for all visitors. Home to over 80,000 art collections, this art gallery features works of arts by the Group of Seven and the Massacre of the Innocents by Peter Paul Reuben. The Art Gallery of Ontario is dedicated to ensuring that it is an accessible destination for all visitors. You can find out more information about the AGO, by heading to their website at ago.net.

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